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Haunted spooky places around the world, Hill Of Crosses...

Around the world are places with a reputation for the unknown, mystically captivating, and invoke a feeling of spookiness and eariness, no other places excite into our brains. Some of these places have made it into popular art, and culture as a whole. You might recognize some of these spots from movies you enjoyed or paintings you saw, but some of them you have never heard of, nonetheless gained notoriety for all the wrong Spooky reasons.

Hill Of Crosses, Lithuania:

This sacred site, north of the city of Šiauliai, in Lithuania. For those of you who don't know where that is, it is a Baltic country, north of Poland, In north eastern Europe. The Hill Of Crosses is believed to have originated in the early 1830s, when during a rebellion against the Russian empire the practice of leaving crosses, effigies, sacred statues, and rosaries, started. The locals left such artifacts as a way to commemorate their fallen loved ones, which they couldn't identify...And the practice continued on to this day, with people replicating the process over decades. Nowadays, the number of such artifacts is estimated to be over 100 thousand... Making the hill is a spooky site to behold.

Tai Chi Class
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