Best Cities to Visit: The Shows of San Francisco
When visiting San Francisco, finding a way to unwind at the end of a long day of sight seeing isn't always the easiest thing in the world to do. After dinner the choices for entertainment often seem limited because you don't really want to become too wired from your activities to find peaceful sleep later. Perhaps this is why most shows are shown in the evening. San Francisco certainly has quite a few options for shows to see.
If you like old musicals, then 42nd Street Moon is a great place for you to look for your entertainment. They like to take old Broadway musicals that haven't been over performed and rehash them to the delight of the audience and the cast. By breathing new life into these sometimes lost classics they are doing a service to both the original masters of these musicals and to the audiences they now play for.
If you need something a little less rowdy and rambunctious to see you into your night time routine, then perhaps the Smuin Ballet will have something that is more in line with your needs. This ballet company is bringing new appreciation to the art of dance and delighting audiences in the process. By bridging the gap between traditional ballet and modern dance this company is reaching a much broader audience than many dance troupes that have come before and since. Really and truly if you have the opportunity to see one of their performances I highly recommend that you do so. You just might find that you are their newest fan.
If you have varied or eclectic tastes, then Old First Concerts may be a great place for you to unwind after a long day of shopping, sight seeing, and touring wine country. This interesting venue presents concerts of many colors and voices it would seem. There is no one particular style of music that is allowed or disallowed here, rather the professional quality of the musical style is more important than the actual style of the music. I think that this very fact alone makes it quite unique and worth a listen. You might hear something you've never heard before and leave with an appreciation you would have never discovered had you not dropped in.
If you haven't guessed, I'm a huge fan of trying things that are different and slightly outside the realm of the mundane. I have no problems stepping away from the conventions of normal society and wearing many different hats. Perhaps that is the reason that I find my next suggestion so appealing and fun! Beach Blanket Babylon is the perfect way to mock societal norms. The costumes are outrageous and the hats are bigger than a tall tale and it's all in the name of good clean fun. I seriously recommend this show to anyone who has ever had even the slightest hint of a sense of humor.
We all know that it is often difficult to unwind in a new city where you only know those that you are traveling with, you aren't sleeping in your own bed, and you are missing some of the comforts of home (like a work day and a commute to exhaust you). For those of us who have been there and done that, it is much easier to unwind after enjoying a nice show or entertainment along similar lines. It could be something as simple as taking in a movie that you might have wanted to see but never find the time to at home. A vacation is your time to rest and relax, make the most of it.
